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139 ping yeung, ta kwu ling

Year : 2016 Onward
Client: Ms. Chan
Project Sum: 2.0 Million (Supported by The Commissioner for Heritage’s Office)

139 Ping Yeung (坪洋) in Ta Kwu Ling (打鼓嶺) is a block of village house built by Chan Shing-pong (陳勝邦) who bought a piece of land to build the block of house before 1913. He employed Chaozhou (潮州) builders from the Chinese mainland to construct the house for his two sons, Wan-sheung (雲裳) and Wan-wai (雲蔚). Mr.Chan operated an oil refinery which was near to the present-day No. 131 of the village. The oil refinery was closed in the 1940s. During the Japanese Occupation, the Chans escaped to a hill near the village and the Japanese troops did not get into the house.

Scope of Works


  1. Re-roofing tiled pitch roof in traditional Hakka style

  2. Replacement of timber purlins

  3. Cleaning external walls

  4. Repair timber windows

  5. Repair motifs and mouldings

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